
Dover Greens team of leadership, staff and maintenance personnels completed the annual Asbestos Awareness Training on July 27, 2016. The session was led by Bryan Bowers, environmental consultant and President of AECC.

The training program was composed of comprehensive presentation about asbestos hazard, Q&A’s and Quiz at the end. All participants gained insights and awareness of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) and the basic guidelines of avoiding the exposure from it as well as acting as first responders when safety hazard situations are discovered.

Mr. Bowers and AECC have managed over 600 successful environmental consulting projects, involving asbestos, lead-paint, polychlorinated biphenlys (PCBs), indoor air quality, and mold. They have been retained by Dover Greens to enhance the health and safety standards for the project with special focus on Asbestos Containing Materials.